9 Free Keyword Research Tools 2021

Are you looking for keywords to target? But you don’t have the budget for the paid tools. Google Keyword Planner is one of them among the free keyword research tools. You could enter any keyword and see a lot of keyword suggestions as well as the search volumes.

But Google has since restricted these numbers to ranges.

Here are some free keyword research tools to help start your SEO without investment.

  1. Google Trends
  2. Keyword Generator
  3. Keyword Sheeter
  4. Answer the Public
  5. Keyword Surfer
  6. Keyworddit
  7. Google Search Console
  8. Questiondb
  9. Bulk Keyword Generator
  10. Google

Let’s go deep into each of these keyword tools.

google trends 2021

Google Trends reflects keyword search popularity over time. If we look at the term “” for the past five years, we notice that the popularity of the keyword.

But how is Google Trends useful for keyword research?

It can help the beginner plan the content calendar. Let for example you sell products online. Interest in iPhone peaks every October when the iPhone launches a new iPhone. And if you run any technology blog, you have to update or republish any related posts every October.

Google trends can also help target the right keywords beyond the content calendar.

2. Keyword Generator

free keyword generator 2021

Keyword Generator finds up to 150 keyword ideas for any seed keyword.

For example, if we search for “bitcoin,” we get one hundred keyword ideas containing that word along with their estimated monthly search volumes.

Keyword Generator can help you find up to 150 keyword ideas for any seed keyword. Let, for example, if you search for “SEO”, you get 100 keyword ideas having that word along with their estimated search volumes.

Keyword Generator shows the keyword difficulty score only for the first 10 keywords on each list. Higher the keyword Difficulty Score, the more backlinks you will need to rank.

Note: The KD scores and the search volumes are relative to the selected country, which is the United States by default.

If you want to rank the keywords elsewhere, select one of the 170+ countries from the dropdown.

Keyword Generator is also used to find the keyword ideas for Bing, YouTube, and Amazon. Only need to change the search engine at the top of the page.

3. Keyword Sheeter

keyword sheeter

One of the features of Keyword Sheeter, it pulls thousands of keyword suggestions from Google. Type one or more seed keywords and then click on “Sheet Keywords”.

If you want to generate keyword ideas very fast, this is the best keyword tool for you. It can generate 1,000 keyword ideas per minute, and you can also export the keywords for free in just one click.

Downside: Keyword Sheeter is quite basic. It doesn’t show search volumes or trends data.

However, it has one feature i.e. filter positive and negetive keyword.

Let for example: Add “how” to the positive filter.

Now, it only shows the keyword ideas that contain the word “how”.

The negative filter excludes the queries containing certain words. It is useful for eliminating irrelevant terms. For example, If you run a technology blog and want to find keywords related to “apple”, then you look for the keywords relating to Apple company, not the fruit.

So, you can exclude the keywords like “pie”, “crumble”, “fruit”, and “cider”.

4. Answer the Public

answer the public

Answer the Public finds questions, comparisons, prepositions, alphabeticals, and related searches.

We will do it by entering a seed keyword- let’s stick with “powder”.

Firstly, you will see the questions containing who, what, why, where, how, which, when, are, and is.


  • what protein powder tastes best?
  • how protein powder is made
  • are protein powders fattening?
  • when does protein powder expire?

You’ll see a visualization by default, but you can switch to a regular list.

5Keyword Surfer

keyword surfer

Keyword Surfer is a free Chrome extension that is used for global monthly search volumes for any query typed into Google.

Now, Keyword Surfer reflects the local search volume for 19 countries including Canada, France, Germany, the United States, and the United Kingdom.

You can also turn global search volumes on or off.

The total keyword results are from the 19 countries currently in their database.

Downside: No way to get keyword search volumes in bulk.

It is more for assessing queries as you browse the web.

6. Keyworddit


Keyworddit is a free tool that pulls keywords from Reddit. it will mine the titles and comments of threads to find up to 500 keywords. The Keyworddit keyword tool is fabulous if you have not much idea about the niche.

For example, if you want to start a blog about blogging but know nothing about the topic, pull ideas from /r/blogging.

This tells you that paleo dieters care about things like:

  • blogging guide;
  • blogging course;
  • blogging guide for beginners;
  • Etc.

Besides the keyword suggestions, this tool pull the US monthly search volumes for each keyword. That will help you filter the keywords as per the volume of each topic.

7. Google Search Console

google search console

Google search volume is a free tool that helps you track the website’s performance in organic search. And it also shows you many keyword on which you are already ranked for.

Click on the “Search results” report from the Google Search Console account.

Also, check the “Average CTR” and “Average position” columns of the keywords.

You can get the website insights from this report.

If your keywords are ranking high, but CTR is low. Your page is less than enticing in the search results. You can often fix this by improving the title tag or meta description.

But what about finding new keywords?

This tool uncovers keywords on which you are ranking for but never targeted. If any of these keywords have impressions and low CTR, it would be worth targeting that keyword with a new page.

8. Questiondb

QuestionDB eblogtalk

Questiondb is the best keyword research tool if you are looking for question type topics for your blog. It extracts these keyword data from the database of millions of questions sourced from Reddit.

Questiondb is the tool which is mainly used for question type topics for your blog.

The lists of questions are sorted by popularity as well as by topic. This keyword tool is very useful because it groups questions together.

Let’s search for “protein powder” and sort by topic.

Same for the keto protein powders:

This is very useful when you are writing blog posts, as it helps you understand which questions to answer.

A clickable link appears next to each question that takes you to the ad itself.

If you browse the comments of the questions, you can get the answer fast and quick, which speeds up content research. you can also export to CSV files at the touch of a button.

9. Bulk Keyword Generator

bulk keyword generator

Bulk Keyword Generator is one of the best keyword research tools if you are looking for local SEO. Bulk Keyword Generator generates keywords based on industry type.

Follow step 1 and choose a business type from the dropdown.

You will then see a list of keywords relevant to the services or products you offer.

Final thoughts

Hope, these tools can help you find the keywords and phrases that will help you develop effective content.

More Resources:

> Cannibalization: How to Identify & Fix Keyword Cannibalization to Boost SEO
> What is breadcrumb navigation for SEO?
> Mobile SEO Mistakes
How do we improve page speed- The Complete Guide

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Suman Kumar is a writer with over 3 years of experience at eBLOGTALK. He is a full-time blogger who love writing with his passion for SEO, Technology, Blogs, Reviews, and link building strategy. He helps marketers and entrepreneurs to find the keys of online success and revenue growth without any huddle.

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